Training and Equipping

We want you to be trained in sharing the Word and in helping people grow in their commitment as followers of Jesus Christ. We have developed easy-to-use material for your small group or Bible study. We also offer seminars and book reading classes to develop, train and equip you for kingdom service.

Bible Study and Small Group Material

Kingdom of God study

Kingdom Perspectives is a Bible study material that helps people see that the kingdom of God is the overarching theme that runs through the entire Scripture. The Bible is a worldview story - a story about reality - and it is about God's plan to build a kingdom. God's primary identity is King, he owns the land, and the peoples of the world are tenants in his land. God is getting a people for himself from all nations, rescuing them from the kingdom of darkness, and is also redeeming creation from its bondage to death and decay.

Journeying by Faith

Walking with God is an easy-to-use small group or Bible study material. It can be a standalone material on the foundational lessons for those who are interested in Christ, or for those who are new followers of Jesus Christ. It presents very simple lessons on how to walk with God by faith - just like the Patriarchs! It is best used together with the Kingdom Perspectives booklet to help the believer in his or her journey of faith.

Life purpose

A Purpose Driven Life is not an original TJFM material. This is taken from Rick Warren's best-selling book, The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? This is practically just the first section of Rick Warren's book, composed of several lessons. We have adopted this material to be used primarily for handling small groups or Bible studies with the unchurched. Of course, the material is also loved by the brethren in church, and so they also use this in their small groups.

Seminars and Courses

Training for sermon and teaching

Ministry of the Word is a course to train the brethren to correctly interpret the Scriptures, study the Bible more effectively, prepare teaching or sermon, and effectively deliver the teaching or sermon to the audience. There course is composed of classroom sessions, study and reading assignments, as well as a practicum. 

Seminar on becoming missional

Interface is a powerful seminar developed by Simply Mobilizing International (SMI), and is one of their many products to help local churches mobilize their people into active engagement in kingdom works. This seminar presents Biblical, historical, and strategic reasons why believers and local churches ought to become missional, and be actively engaged in Christ's mission.

A course on mission

The Kairos Course is material developed by Simply Mobilizing International (SMI), also one of their many products to help local churches mobilize their people into active engagement in kingdom works. The Kairos Course is a wonderful tool to help God's people understand the mission of God and the mission of God's people. The course explores the Biblical, historical, strategic, and cultural dimensions of mission. This course is conducted in a variety of formats, so you may want to visit SMI's website to learn more, and to find out about their other products.

Book Reading Classes

About leadership

Water Under the Bridge is a wonderful book written by Ptr Don Barry of Gateway Church in Hamilton, New Zealand. This book talks about the critical importance of values-shaped leadership, especially in our time today where visionary leadership is given more emphasis. Don Barry says: "For vision to be safe and productive, it needs to be bounded by deeply-held values that can sustain a ministry in all seasons. Woven with stories of church life at the coalface, this book is a vital call for leaders to allow the contours of their life and leadership to be values-shaped."

Bible reading

Cover to Cover is a chronological Bible reading plan produced by Selwyn Hughes and Trevor Partridge. This is an excellent material that helps God's people read through the Bible chronologically. We have also developed our format and activities for doing this Bible reading class in church.

About missional local churches

Gaining by Losing an excellent book written by Ptr J.D. Greear. This book challenges church leaders and Christians to live out the Great Commission. The key for reaching the world with the gospel is found in sending, not gathering. The real mission of the church isn’t how many people it can gather. It’s about training up disciples and then sending them out. In Gaining By Losing, J.D. Greear unpacks ten plumb lines that church leaders and Christians can use to reorient their church’s priorities around God’s mission to reach a lost world.

About church health

In The Unstuck Church, Tony Morgan unpacks each phase of the seven stages of a church's life cycle, that range from the hopeful and optimistic days of launch, to the stagnating last stages of life support, and offers specific and strategic next steps the church leader can take to find it's way to sustained health . . . and finally become unstuck!
Regardless of the stage in which you find your church, it carries with it the world's greatest mission—to "go and make disciples of all the nations . . ." With eternity at stake the Church should be doing most everything within its power to see lives changed forever. The Church should strive for the pinnacle of the life cycle, where they are continually making new disciples and experiencing what Morgan refers to as "sustained health."