Who We Are

Our Vision

God called TJFM to win people to Christ and to equip them for Kingdom service.

Our Mission

1. To win people to Christ.
2. To produce kingdom workers and multiply ministries.
3. To plant local churches.
4. To impact the community through our services and advocacies.

What is the church?

We are guided by the following definition of church:

The church is people, redeemed, filled with the Holy Spirit, equipped to serve [in kingdom works], and ministering to needs everywhere in Jesus’ name.  

-Jerry Cook, Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness

Our Growth Objectives

To fulfill our Vision and Mission we identify 3 growth objectives, to help everyone in our church family develop and engage in Kingdom works, fulfilling God's purpose for their life. This is articulated in our TJFM Orientation.

Ministry Philosophy

The 8 life-promoting principles:
1. Empowering leadership
2. Functional structures
3. Gift based ministries
4. Holistic small groups
5. Inspiring worship services
6. Loving relationships
7. Need based evangelism
8. Passionate spirituality
TJFM is an organic church.
We view our churches and ministries as living organisms.
The TJFM family is an ecosystem.
We steward the life that God has invested in our ministry.
Our ministry philosophy is adapted from the book, Natural Church Development.

Our Team Values

Team values are the deeply held guiding principles that TJFM teams live by and practice as we do ministry, which are non-negotiable, and “not for sale”.
1. We value people
2. We value stewardship
3. We value integrity
4. We value unity
5. We value divine guidance

Saved to serve.

Ephesians 2:10

(NLT) For we are God’s masterpiece, (NIV) created in Christ Jesus to do good works. (TLB) He has given us new lives in Christ Jesus, and long ages ago He planned that we should spend these lives in helping others, (MSG) to join Him in the work He does, the good work He has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.